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Winners of our May 2024 Members-only Contest

Contest: In Praise of the Ordinary
Judge: Dennis Camire

First Place –“Ode to My Ears” – Nancy Sobanik
Second Place –“In Praise of Sweat” – Jeanne Julian
Third Place –“Ode to a Desk Job You Were Planning to Leave” – Gus Peterson

First Honorable Mention –“Ode to Tiny Perseverance” – Sara Eastler
Second Honorable Mention –“Ode to Vetch” – Kathryn Tracy
Third Honorable Mention – “Pocket Comb” – Carl Little


Results of the 2024 Prize Poems Contests

Unpublished Poets Prize Poem Contest
The Winner of the $75 prize: M. Hrynick — “Plowing Before a Storm
Second Place: Deborah Smith — “Questions for my Sister’s Mother
Third Place: Paul Redstone — “Thank You for Your Service


Published Poets Prize Poem Contest

The results will be announced soon.


 © Maine Poets Society.